Ownership, Access, and Archives
Foresight is a quarterly publication of the nonprofit International Institute of Forecasters (IIF). Its first issue was published in 2005.
To subscribe to or purchase Foresight and access its archives, you must become a member of the IIF. Foresight archives provide decades of journal articles, and the titles and authors of these can be accessed through RePEc (Research Papers in Economics), a research tool and bibliographic database.
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Editorial Team
Foresight’s editorial team is comprised of recognized experts in forecasting. They contribute articles, and conduct peer reviews of research from top academics and business forecasters in the field.
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Foresight welcomes submissions from business-forecasting practitioners, managers, and researchers.
Read author guidelines.
Publication Ethics
Foresight takes reasonable steps to identify and prevent the publication of papers where research misconduct has occurred:
- Foresight does not encourage or knowingly permit research misconduct.
- If made aware of research misconduct allegations, Foresight will handle such allegations appropriately.
- If necessary, Foresight will correct previously published articles. Foresight publishes corrections, clarifications, retractions, and apologies when needed.
Each Foresight issue includes a copyright and ISSN on the editorial page (page 2).