The International Journal of Forecasting (IJF) is the leading journal in its field and is an official publication of the International Institute of Forecasters (IIF). Published quarterly by Elsevier, its objective, and that of the IIF, is to unify the field of forecasting and to bridge the gap between theory and practice, making forecasting useful and relevant for decision and policy makers.
The IJF publishes high quality refereed papers covering all aspects of forecasting, including forecasting methods, applications, implementation, evaluation, and organizational behavior. Features of the IJF include refereed research papers, book reviews, notes, and editorials. The journal publishes occasional special issues on topics of interest to forecasters and decision makers.
For information about citations, metrics and submission times, see the 2023 annual report.
IIF member Online Access The IJF is included with IIF membership. Current members can access journal articles online at ScienceDirect. For new members, you must create an account to get started. In addition, Elsevier has provided instructions on creating or accessing your account (pdf instructions).
Best Paper Award
Every two years the International Journal of Forecasting editors select the best paper to have been published in the IJF within the previous two-year period. We are pleased to announce the winners of papers published during 2020-2021. We are fortunate to have these two papers published in our journal. Congratulations to the authors!
Best Paper award Forecasting election results by studying brand importance in online news by A. Fronzetti Colladon, published in 2020, vol. 36, no. 2
Outstanding Paper award An information-theoretic approach for forecasting interval-valued SP500 daily returns by T.S. Tuang Buansing, A. Golan A., A. Ullah, published in 20120, vol 36, no. 3
Topics Covered in the IJF
- economic and econometric forecasting
- marketing forecasting
- new products forecasting
- financial forecasting
- operations forecasting
- technological forecasting
- forecasting applications in business, government, and the military
- demographic forecasting
- energy forecasting
- climate forecasting
- crime forecasting
- seasonal adjustments and forecasting
- time series forecasting
- legal and political aspects of forecasting
- implementation of forecasting
- judgmental/psychological aspects of forecasting
- impact of forecast uncertainty on decision making
- organizational aspects of forecasting
- evaluation of forecasting methods and approaches
To ensure fairness and objectivity, double-blind reviewing will be used.
Data and code sharing, as well as reproducibility policy
From July 2023, the IJF has enforced a new publication policy, that makes data and code sharing mandatory, unless authors provide acceptable motivations to the Editor-in-Chief of the journal for why the data and/or code cannot be shared. We expect that, in practice, more than 90% of the papers the journal publishes will be accompanied by data and code. This will have the effect to increase trust in the work published, as well as impact.
In addition, the IJF has developed its own reproducibility policy. While we always encouraged authors to reproduce works published by the journal (for the same data, and possibly other data), we will now systematically submit papers through reproducibility checks. In practice this means that, at the end of the review and editorial process, manuscript acceptance will be conditioned to passing a reproducibility check. The reproducibility check process is led by the Editor-in-Chief.
There are 3 potential outcomes for these reproducibility checks:
– “pass” – in that case, the paper is accepted and sent to the production team for final publication;
– “minor concerns” – it means that the results obtained through the reproducibility check deviates from the results shown in the paper. The authors will be given a chance to clarify the situation and double-check, in order to converge to a final version of the results and of the paper;
– “major discrepancies” – the reproducibility check processed has revealed that the results of the paper cannot be reproduced. In that case, the paper cannot be accepted for publication.
We are confident that, while this may represent an increased workload for the authors and the journal editors, this will also increase trust and impact for those papers published by the journal.
Book reviews
Contact Dr Mahdi Abolghasemi if you are interested in reviewing books for the IJF.