Membership to the International Institute of Forecasters (IIF) enables you to become part of the international forecasting community, sharing ideas, building networks, and enhancing your career as a scientific researcher or forecasting professional. Discover opportunities to network with colleagues, access the latest research, attend major conferences and workshops, participate in our communities (special interest sections), and take advantage of free job listings, consultant listing, and more.

Our aim is to bridge the gap between the theory and practice of forecasting. Towards this goal, the IIF offers a wide range of resources to individuals seeking to improve their knowledge and use of forecasting, by offering the following benefits.


International Journal of Forecasting is published four times a year containing papers on forecasting methods, applications, implementation, and evaluation, as well as numerous other forecasting disciplines. Print and online access are included.

Foresight: The International Journal of Applied Forecasting is published quarterly by the IIF, offering non-technical discussions about forecasting issues and the practical implications of forecasting research. Print and online access to all issues, as well as discounts on Foresight Guidebooks are included.

The Oracle is our online newsletter published bi-monthly; includes articles by practitioners and researchers, IIF news, member news, and upcoming events.

Conferences and Events

Registration discounts

International Symposium on Forecasting is the annual conference of the IIF, and has been held around the world beginning in 1981. The conference offers forecasting experts as plenary and featured speakers and over 250 research presentations in areas such as new-product forecasting, multivariate methods, international trade forecasting, judgmental methods, financial forecasting, demographic forecasting, and rule-based methods.

Foresight Practitioner Conference is a 1 1/2 day, bi-annual conference targeted to the practicing forecaster.

Workshops are smaller, informal meetings where experts in a particular field of forecasting can discuss forecasting problems, research, and solutions.


Connect with people who share your interests. The IIF communities help you stay current, share experiences, and broaden your work-related and personal horizons.

Early Career Researchers Network (ECF)
Forecasting Interest Group, South Africa (FIG_ South Africa)
Forecasting Practitioner Section (FPS)
MacroFor, Macroeconomic Forecasting
SWEET, Section on Water, Energy and EnvironmenT
Forecasting for Social Good (F4SG)
Tourism and Hospitality (THS)
United Kingdom Chapter


  • Job Listing — Post opportunities at your organization.
  • Consultant Listing — Post your experience and expertise.
  • IIF Blog — Now accepting guest submissions; share your knowledge, research or observations with the forecasting community.
  • And more!


  • Special discounted rates! $45 rate for online premium membership, for two journals
  • includes discounts to all IIF events, e-newsletter, and, special sections targeting common interests and geographic locations
  • limited to 5 consecutive years