Best Paper Award in Energy Forecasting
Professor Tao Hong has generously funded a research award for the best International Journal of Forecasting (IJF) paper on energy forecasting, to be awarded every two years. The prize will be US$1000 plus an engraved plaque. Up to one additional outstanding paper certificate may also be awarded.
Nominations are invited from any reader of the IJF. Each person may nominate up to three papers, but you cannot nominate a paper that you have coauthored. Papers coauthored by Tao Hong or one of the award committee are not eligible. All nominations are to be accompanied by a short statement (up to 200 words) from the nominator, explaining why the paper deserves an award.
For more info about the award and the process, please visit here.
Next cycle starts in 2026.
Award Recipients
Margaux Brégère and Malo Huard, Online hierarchical forecasting for power consumption data, vol 38, issue 1 (2021)
Peru Muniain and Florian Ziel, Probabilistic forecasting in day-ahead electricity markets: Simulating peak and off-peak prices, vol 36, issue 4 (2020)
Kevin Berk, Alexander Hoffmann, Alfred Müller, Probabilistic forecasting of industrial electricity load with regime switching behavior, vol 34, issue 2 (2018)
Pierre Gaillard, Yannig Goude and Raphael Nedellec, Additive models and robust aggregation for GEFCom2014 probabilistic electric load and electricity price forecasting, vol 32, issue 3 (2016)
Rafał Weron, Electricity price forecasting: A review of the state-of-the-art with a look into the future, vol 30, issue 4 (2014)