Special issues/sections in preparation
- M6 Forecast competition
Editors: Fotios Petropoulos, Spyros Makridakis, Evangelos Spiliotis, Norman Swanson - Innovations in hierarchical forecasting
Editors: George Athanasopoulos, Rob J Hyndman, Anastasios Panagiotelis, Nikolaos Kourentzes
- M6 Forecast competition
Published special issues/sections
- M5 Competition, volume 38, issue 4.
Editors: Spyros Makridakis, Fotios Petropoulos, Evangelos Spiliotis - Credit Risk Modelling, volume 38, issue 3.
Editors: Anthony Bellotti, Galina Andreeva, Zhiyong Li - Forecasting for social good, volume 38, issue 3.
Editors: Bahman Rostami-Tabar, Tao Hong, Michael Porter - Special Section on Epidemics and forecasting with focus on COVID-19, volume 38, issue 2.
Editor: Pierre Pinson - Special Section on Economic forecasting in times of Covid-19, volume 38, issue 2.
Editor: Laurent Ferrara, Xuguang Simon Sheng - Food and agriculture forecasting, volume 38, issue 1.
Editors: Jue Wang, Tao Hong - 30 years of Cointegration and Dynamic Factor Models, volume 37, issue 4.
Editors: Alvaro Escribano, Daniel Peña, Esther Ruiz - M4 forecasting competition, volume 36, issue 1.
Editors: Spyros Makridakis, Fotios Petropoulos - Forecasting issues in developing economies, volume 35, issue 3.
Editors: Gloria González-Rivera, Prakash Loungani and Xuguang (Simon) Sheng - Forecasting, uncertainty and risk management, volume 35, issue 2.
Editors: Spyros Makridakis, Richard Kirkham, Terry Williams, and Maria Papadaki - Forecasting in sports, volume 35, issue 2.
Editors: Ian McHale, and Tim Swartz - Supply chain forecasting, volume 35, issue 1.
Editors: Nada Sanders, Tonya Boone, Ram Ganeshan, Robert Fildes, and John Boylan - Prediction markets, volume 35, issue 1.
Editors: Leighton Vaughan Williams, Johnnie E.V. Johnson, and Ming-Chien Sung - Forecasting for big data, volume 34, issue 2.
Editors: Juri Marcucci, Gianni Amisano, and Michael McCracken - Eliciting, structuring and evaluating expert judgment for use in forecasting and planning systems, volume 33, issue 1.
Editors: Fergus Bolger and George Wright - Probabilistic energy forecasting, volume 32, issue 3.
Editors: Tao Hong and Pierre Pinson - Forecasting in telecommunications and ICT, volume 31, issue 4.
Editors: Nigel Meade, Towhidul Islam - Forecasting the US presidential election, volume 31, issue 3.
Editors: Michael Lewis-Beck and Drew Linzer - Multivariate time series modelling and forecasting, volume 31, issue 3.
Editors: Farshid Vahid and George Athanasopoulos - International Finance Forecasting, volume 31, issue 2.
Editors: John Guerard and Kajal Lahiri - Herman Stekler Festschrift, volume 31, issue 1.
Editors: Tara Sinclair, Fred Joutz, and Prakash Loungani - Demographic forecasting and public finance, volume 30, issue 4
Editors: Jukka Lassila, Tarmo Valkonen, Juha M. Alho - Forecasting the business cycle, volume 30, issue 3.
Editors: Laurent Ferreira and Dick van Dijk - Predicting rare events, volume 30, issue 3.
Editor: Gloria González-Rivera - Energy Forecasting. volume 30, issue 2.
Editors: Tao Hong, Pierre Pinson and Shu Fan - Forecasting with flash indicators. volume 29, issue 4.
Editors: Esther Ruiz, Miriam Scaglione and Dean Croushore - Forecasting support systems. Volume 29, issue 2.
Editors: Robert Fildes and Paul Goodwin - Election forecasting in neglected democracies, volume 28, issue 4.
Editors: Michael Lewis-Beck and Éric Bélanger - The predictability of financial markets, volume 28, issue 1.
Editors: Esther Ruiz and Nuno Crato - Credit risk modelling and forecasting, volume 28, issue 1.
Editors: Jonathan Crook, Lyn Thomas and David Edelman. - Forecasting with artificial neural networks and computational intelligence, volume 27, issue 3
Editors: Sven F. Crone, Fred Collopy, Chung-Ming Kuan and Amaury Lendasse - Tourism forecasting, volume 27, issue 3.
Editors: Haiyan Song and Rob J Hyndman - Enhancing group-based judgmental forecasting: processes and priorities. volume 27, issue 1.
Editors: George Wright and Gene Rowe - Sports forecasting, volume 26, issue 3
Editors: Herman Stekler and Leighton Vaughn-Williams. - Bayesian forecasting in economics, volume 26, issue 2.
Editors: Kajal Lahiri and Gael Martin - European election forecasting, volume 26, issue 1.
Editors: Michael Lewis-Beck and Bruno Jerome. - Decision making and planning under low levels of predictability, volume 25, issue 4.
Editors: Spyros Makridakis and Nassim Taleb - Time series monitoring, volume 25, issue 3.
Editors: Wilpen Gorr and Keith Ord - Forecasting returns and risk in financial markets using linear and nonlinear models. volume 25, issue 2
Editors: Michael P. Clements, Costas Milas, Dick van Dijk - Energy forecasting, volume 24, issue 4.
Editors: James W. Taylor, Antoni Espasa - US presidential election forecasting, volume 24, issue 2.
Editors: James E. Campbell, Michael S. Lewis-Beck - Global Income Growth in the 21st Century: Determinants and Forecasts. volume 23, issue 4
Editors: Dennis Ahlburg and Thomas Lindh - Judgement in Forecasting, volume 23, issue 3.
Editors: M. Parackal, P. Goodwin, M. O’Connor - The Future of Macroeconomic Forecasting, volume 23, issue 2.
Editors: U. Heilemann, H. Stekler - Twenty Five Years of Forecasting. volume 22, issue 3
Editors: R.J. Hyndman, J.K Ord - Nonlinearities, Business Cycles and Forecasting. volume 21, issue 4
Editors: A. García-Ferrer, E. Ruiz - Forecasting Economic and Financial Time Series Using Nonlinear Methods. volume 20, issue 2
Editors: M.P. Clements, P.H. Franses, N.R. Swanson - Crime Forecasting. volume 19, issue 4
Editors: W. Gorr, R. Harries - Telecommunications Forecasting. volume 18, issue 4
Editors: R. Fildes, V. Kumar - Forecasting Long Memory Processes. volume 18, issue 2
Editors: R.T. Baillie, N. Crato, B.K. Ray - Reassessing Modern Business Cycles. volume 17, issue 3
Editors: K. Holden, P.A. Klein, K. Lahiri - The M3-Competition. volume 16, issue 4
Editors: K. Ord, M. Hibon, S. Makridakis - Political Forecasting. volume 15, issue 2
Editors: L. Sigelman, R. Batchelor, H. Stekler - International Financial Forecasting. volume 14, issue 2
Editors: L.D. Brown, J.B. Guerard - Forecasting and Seasonality. volume 13, issue 3
Editors: Jan G. De Gooijer, Philip Hans Franses - Forecasting in Manufacturing Industry. volume 12, issue 3
Editors: L.–E. Öller, A. Westlund, P. Hackl, Kajal Lahiri - Probability Judgmental Forecasting. volume 12, issue 1
Editors: G. Wright, M.J. Lawrence, F. Collopy - Probability Forecasting. volume 11, issue 1
Editors: B. Abramson, R. Clemen - Forecasting with Market Response Models. volume 10, issue 2
Editors: L.J. Parsons, R.L. Schultz - Neural Networking. volume 10, issue 1
Editors: W.L. Gorr - Population Forecasting. volume 8, issue 3
Editors: D.A. Ahlburg, K.C. Land - Macroeconomic Forecasting. volume 6, issue 3
Editors: S.G.B. Henry, K. Holden - Combining Forecasts. volume 5, issue 4
Editors: J.S. Armstrong - Public Sector Forecasting. volume 5, issue 3
Editors: S.I. Bretschneider, W.L. Gorr - The Future of Forecasting. volume 4, issue 3
Editors: Everette S. Gardner Jr., Spyros Makridakis - Telecommunications Forecasting. volume 4, issues 2&4
Editors: Alain de Fontenay, Janice Wojnar, Nicholas Curien. - Forecasting in Marketing. volume 3, issue 3/4
Editors: J. Scott Armstrong, Shelby McIntyre - Exchange Rate Forecasting. volume 3, issue 1
Editors: Don Alexander, Richard T. Baillie, Lee Thomas