Call for papers Special Section on “Forecasting Issues in Developing Economies” International Journal of Forecasting
Deadline for submission: July 17, 2017
Following the 21st IIF workshop in Washington, D.C., we are planning a special section on “Forecasting Issues in Developing Economies” in the International Journal of Forecasting. This is an important topic where little has been written due to data limitations and other challenges. We will consider selected papers from the workshop and new submissions following this open call. Relevant topics include forecasts of macro variables; role of financial variables; energy demand; uncertainty associated with economic forecasting, among others. Papers that deal with methodological issues of relevance to developing economies are also welcome.
All papers will be subject to the standard refereeing process of the journal. Those interested in submitting a paper should email it to Prakash Loungani by July 17, 2017.
Guest editors:
Gloria González-Rivera, University of California, Riverside,
Prakash Loungani, International Monetary Fund,
Xuguang Simon Sheng, American University,