Project Tools: what does an ECF need to achieve its goals?
Tuesday, April 25, 2023 2:00 – 3:00 PM GMT
You are conducting your research, presenting your work at a Congress, or launching a new product. What do all these initiatives have in common? They are projects which need to be planned, executed, and controlled. The Early Career Forecaster group brings you a team of experts to exchange experiences and talk about indispensable tools to achieve our academic and professional goals.
Stephan Kolassa: An expert in demand forecasting and product-oriented research. He obtained his PhD at Friendrich Schiller University. For 11 years working as a Data Science Expert at SAP.
Barron Berenjan: Director of the Data Science department in a consultancy company. Worked in industries such as music distribution, aerospace, retail to name a few. He has a broad experience in customer experience and loyalty programs.
Wioletta Stobieniecka: An experienced Data Scientist and co-founder of Has been working for companies such as SAS and AWS. She specializes in AI-based solutions and MLOps platform development.