International Symposium on Forecasting 2023 | University of Virginia, Darden School of Business

The ISF is the premier international event for professional forecasters and has earned its stellar reputation over the past four decades for the important forecasting research presented, and for hosting the most highly distinguished experts in the forecasting field.

Call for Papers
We invite you to submit abstracts related to the theory and practice of forecasting. For more details and to submit your abstract, click here.

Proposals for Invited Sessions
We are accepting proposals for invited sessions devoted to special interests in forecasting. An invited session consists of 3 or 4 talks around a specific forecasting theme. If you are interested, contact us with your topic.

Important 2023 Deadlines:

Invited session proposals: 1 March
Abstract submission: 17 March
Abstract decision: 27 March
Travel grant applications: 3 March

For more details on abstract specifications, deadline dates and the symposium, visit our website.

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