The IIF is pleased to announce a new initiative, IIF Sections. These are interest groups devoted to advancing the theory and practice of specialized domains of forecasting. A section is made of a small group of IIF members, offering focused discussions and networking opportunities to each member.
IIF Early Career Researchers (ECR) Network introduced at ISF 2019
Are you a PhD student, a post-doc, a newly appointed lecturer? Join the events hosted by the IIF ECR-Network during the ISF in Thessaloniki Greece, June 16-19, 2019. Times and locations will be confirmed upon the release of conference program:
- ECR welcoming event: A meet and great event, refreshments provided, prior to the ISF welcome reception, Sunday, 16 June. Sign up now.
- Panel session 1: life after PhD in academia — Panellists: Tanya Garcia (Texas A&M), Rob Hyndman (Monash), Nikolaos Kourentzes (Lancaster), Haiyan Song (Hong Kong Polytechnic).
- Panel session 2: life after PhD in industry — Panellists: Diane Berry (Bain & Company), Carla Di Cairano-Gilfedder (British Telecom), Mike Gilliland (SAS), Stephan Kolassa (SAP).
- Drinks in Thessaloniki: Join us for a fun gathering – date and time to be announced.
The ECR team wants to invite all interested young career researchers to join us for these events! More details to follow closer to the date of ISF 2019.
If you have any questions, please contact the IIF Business Director or Shari De Baets.