Workshop: Forecasting Using R
New York, New York (Ebay Office, 625 6th Avenue)
25-27 June 2018

Professor Rob Hyndman will be in New York to teach his 3-day workshop on Forecasting using R.  This will be the first time the workshop will be offered in the US. It will be based on the 2nd edition of his book Forecasting: Principles and Practice with George Athanasopoulos. All participants will receive a print version of the book.

Day 1 Time series graphics, benchmark forecasting methods, forecast evaluation, seasonality and trends, exponential smoothing.
Day 2 ETS models, transformations and differencing, ARIMA models
Day 3 Dynamic regression, forecasting with multiple seasonality, hierarchical forecasting

Workshop participants are expected to be familiar with basic statistical tools such as multiple regression, but no knowledge of time series or forecasting will be assumed. Some prior experience in R is required. The DataCamp course Introduction to R would be suitable preparation for those who have not previously used R.

Participants must bring their own laptop with a recent version of R and RStudio installed, along with the following packages and their dependencies:

Register at Eventbrite

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