The International Institute of Forecasters grants travel awards to enable researchers from around the globe to attend the International Symposium on Forecasting.

These awards are intended to supplement other sources of funding and do not typically cover all expenses.  They are primarily for students in the area of forecasting and secondarily for non-student forecasting researchers and practitioners.  To ensure that we support as wide a range of applicants as possible, applicants who have not been awarded a travel grant in the past two years will be given priority.  Applications are reviewed by a committee of IIF Directors.

Criteria for acceptance include the quality of the submission, how helpful attending the conference might be to the applicant’s research, and whether or not the paper might be publishable in the International Journal of Forecasting.

For more details on the travel award application and the 2025 symposium in Beijing, China, visit our website. The deadline for submissions is March 7, 2025.

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