Issue 1 of 2024 of the IMA Journal of Management Mathematics (IMAMAN) includes a special section on “Empirical forecasting research in healthcare”. Importantly, this issue also sees the introduction of the journal’s Insights from Thought Leaders initiative. The first such article is an invited editorial by Sridhar Tayur of Carnegie Mellon entitled, “The Audacity of BOPE”.

All papers are either open access or have been made available for free to read by OUP.  I hope you enjoy engaging with our journal.

IMAMAN is published by OUP for the Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications. The journal, currently in its 35th volume, keeps on contributing important, thematically diverse, and forward-looking research in mathematics for management. It is currently organized around 6 main Areas (Decision Analysis, Finance, Health and Society, Multidisciplinary Management Mathematics, Operations, and Sport), covering the entire spectrum of management mathematics research, and offering authors an excellent service as well as the communications and dissemination support of OUP.

Visit our webpages to read more about the journal.


Table of Contents


Management, mathematics, and management-mathematics: strengthening the link in a turbulent post-pandemic world

Aris Syntetos and Kostas Nikolopoulos


Obituary: John Edward Boylan

Aris Syntetos


Management Mathematics: The audacity of BOPE

Sridhar Tayur


Probabilistic forecasting of daily COVID-19 admissions using machine learning

Bahman Rostami-Tabar, Siddharth Arora, Juan F Rendon-Sanchez, Thanos Goltsos

Singular spectrum analysis (SSA) based hybrid models for emergency ambulance demand (EAD) time series forecasting

Jing Wang, Xuhong Peng, et al.

Forecasting and effective reproduction number during a pandemic: COVID-19 Rt, governmental decisions and economic implications

Chrisovalantis Vasilakis and Kostas Nikolopoulos


Joint maintenance and spare-parts inventory models: a review and discussion of practical stock-keeping rules

Phil Scarf, Aris Syntetos, Ruud Teunter

Causal Analysis of Tactics in Soccer: The Case of Throw-ins

Nirodha Epasinghese Dona and Tim B Swartz

Multinational corporations’ capital allocation decisions across asymmetric risk locations: intertemporal equilibrium and optimal transitional adjustment paths

Johannes W Fedderke, John M Luiz and Helan Barnard

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