We are pleased to announce the 41st International Symposium on Forecasting (ISF) to be held virtually, along with (in-person) local hubs spanning the globe! The ISF is the premier international event for professional forecasters and has earned its stellar reputation over the past four decades for the important forecasting research presented, and for hosting the most highly distinguished experts in the forecasting field.

There will be live keynote lectures, practitioner talks, workshops, contributed sessions, forecasting summer school and much more.

FREE registration to all IIF members — Not a member? Join the IIF



Gerd Gigerenzer University of Potsdam
David Hendry University of Oxford
Yongmiao Hong University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Nicholas G. Reich University of Massachusetts
Nada Sanders Northeastern University
Galit Shmueli National Tsing Hua University


Patrick Bower Combe International
Simon Clarke Argon & Co
Ran Ding Google
Jonathon Karelse NorthFind Management
Sara Park Coca-Cola
Nitzi Roehl SAS
Niels van Hove Aera Technology

Call for Papers

The Program Committee invites you to submit abstracts related to the theory and practice of forecasting. Submission guidelines are available on the website.

We are accepting proposals for invited sessions devoted to special interests in forecasting. An invited session consists of 3 or 4 talks around a specific forecasting theme. If you are interested in organizing a session, email us with your topic.

Important 2021 deadlines

1 March | Invited session proposals
15 March | Abstract submission
29 March | Notification of acceptance/rejection of abstracts
3 May | Registration deadline, for accepted abstracts

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