MacroFor : the Macroeconomic Forecasting section of the IIF
This new section, in line with the IIF’s newly created sections, focusses on macroeconomic forecasting, comprising of GDP forecasting, inflation forecasting, macroeconomic nowcasting with large data sets, business cycles analysis, survey expectations, density forecasting, DSGE models, etc.
Macroeconomic forecasting has always been a strong component of the IIF, and thus a natural extension for a community section. One of the immediate efforts of MacroFor is to organize a track at ISF 2020, in Rio de Janeiro. The 2-day MacroFor track will consist of 5-6 sessions at ISF2020. If you are interested in participating, contact the Chair, Laurent Ferrera (see below).
Follow on twitter @MacroFor
The objectives for this new section, MacroFor, include:
- Create a network of macroeconomic forecasters within the IIF
- Help to organize the macroeconomics forecasting sessions during the ISFs and propose specific sessions, as for example an expert panel on current macro forecasting issues
- Organize workshops on macroeconomic forecasting, with the help of the IIF
- Propose special issues/sections for IJF on some specific macro topics
- Contribute to diffuse information on workshops, conferences, calls for papers dealing with macroeconomic forecasting, and act as a contact point with other organizations. In this respect, a Twitter account, @MacroFor, has been created and will constitute one channel of communication, in addition to the IIF website.
- Attract young researchers in macro forecasting to the IIF
- Serve as a bridge between macro forecasters from institutions (international organizations, public bodies, private) and academics
- Propose names for possible nominations to the IIF Board
Section Leaders
Chair: Laurent Ferrara
Vice Chair: Pilar Poncela, Universitad Autonoma de Madrid
Secretary: Gergely Ganics, Banco de Espana