Call for Papers The ISF Program Committee invites you to submit abstracts related to the theory and practice of forecasting. Suggested themes and topics and full submission rules are available here.

The International Symposium on Forecasting (ISF) is the premier international event for professional forecasters. The ISF has earned its stellar reputation over the past four decades for the important forecasting research presented there, and for hosting the most highly distinguished experts in the forecasting field. And, in addition to its superb academic and business presentations, the ISF provides many excellent opportunities for networking, learning, and fun. We invite you to join us at the 39th ISF in beautiful Thessaloniki, Greece for four days of keynote speaker presentations, academic sessions, workshops, and social programs.

The deadline date for abstracts is 8 March 2019. Papers on all aspects of forecasting are welcome and may be submitted online at

Keynote Speakers Announced:

Tanya Garcia, Neuroscience and Biostatistics, Texas A&M
George Kapetanios, Economics and Finance, Kings College
Tilmann Gneiting, Computational Statistics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Gael Martin, Bayesian and Computational Statistics, Monash University
Nigel Harvey, Judgment and Decision Making, University College London
Ian McHale, Sports Analytics, University of Liverpool

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