Forecasting Summer School ~ Recent developments in econometric forecasting
When: June 16-17, 2018
Where: University of Colorado, Boulder | USA

The IIF is pleased to announce a new initiative, the Forecasting Summer School. The topic for our first program is Recent developments in econometric forecasting. This 2-day course is aimed at economists and applied econometricians who work with time-series data and want to keep up-to-date with major, recent developments in applied econometric modelling for forecasting. The course instructors are Sir David Hendry, Dr. Jennifer Castle, Professor James Reade.

The course will take place the weekend before our annual conference, the International Symposium on Forecasting. We encourage both students and professionals to participate in both events. Students are eligible for travel grants to attend the summer school and symposium.

Learn more about the instructors, program schedule and application and registration details at

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