(This post is syndicated from Hyndsight, the blog of IJF Editor-in-Chief, Rob J Hyndman)

Today, there is a change in editors at the International Journal of Forecasting. Paul Goodwin is retiring from the editorial board, and Dilek Önkal is taking his place.

Paul Goodwin was appointed as an associate editor in 1999 and as an editor in 2010. Paul is retiring from his position as Professor of Management Science at the University of Bath, UK, and has decided to also retire from the IJF editorial board. He has provided wonderful service to the IJF and I’ve really appreciated having someone with his expertise and experience to handle all the papers that are outside the domains that the other editors cover. I think the journal is in excellent shape, and that is due to the great work of the editorial board and especially the editors. So thanks to Paul for his wonderful contributions, and best wishes for the future.


Dilek Önkal has been an associate editor of the IJF since 2002, covering many topics including judgmental forecasting, psychological aspects of forecasting, organizational aspects of forecasting, forecasting support systems, and supply chains. She is a Professor in the Faculty of Business Administration at Bilkent University in Turkey, and until a few months ago was Dean of the faculty. I’m delighted that she has agreed to take on greater responsibility on the editorial board, and welcome her to the team of IJF editors.




There are five IJF editors:

  1. Rob Hyndman (Editor-in-Chief)
  2. Dick van Dijk
  3. Graham Elliott
  4. Dilek Önkal
  5. Esther Ruiz

along with a team of about 40 associate editors.



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